Hello again everyone,
Welcome to the WWE Extreme Rules quick and full results. Here is a look at what happened of a great night of action from the Scotttrade Center in St. Louis, MO
WWE Extreme Rules
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Quick Results
YouTube PreShow
The Mis def Cody Rhodes (wins via figure four leg lock)
Pay Per View
Chris Jericho def. Fandango (wins code breaker)
Dean Ambrose def. (C) Kofi Kingston (NEW United States Champion)
Sheamus def. Mark Henry (wins via touching all 4 corners)
Alberto Del Rio def. Jack Swagger (wins when Swagger quits)
The Shield def. (C) Team Hell NO (NEW Tag Team Champs)
Randy Orton def. Big Show (wins via PUNT kick)
John Cena & Ryback NO CONTEST (Still WWE Champion John Cena)
Brock Lesnar def. HHH (wins via F5)
WWE Extreme Rules
Full Results
YouTube PreShow
The Miz vs. Cody Rhodes
WWE's pre-show show streams are still lagging bad as we go to the ring.
Cody Rhodes is out first followed by The Miz. Josh Mathews and Tony
Dawson are on commentary.
They go at it and Miz takes control early on. It's hard to follow the
action with these feed problems. Cody turns it around and drops Miz on
his face for a 2 count. Cody with more offense and another pin attempt.
Cody with stomps to the gut. Cody takes Miz back down with a knee to the
gut. Cody with a submission now. Miz turns it around but gets taken
back to the mat. Miz fights out and rolls Cody up. Cody comes right back
with a clothesline. Cody with a 2 count. Cody with a body scissors on
the mat.
Miz starts making a comeback. He charges and misses int he corner but
ends up rolling Cody for a 1 count. Miz hits the backbreaker but Cody
blocks the neckbreaker. Miz counters that with kicks to the heads. Cody
blocks the Figure Four. Another Cross Rhodes blocked by Miz. Cody with a
boot to the face. Cody comes off the corner but Miz catches him in the
Figure Four. Cody taps to end the match.
Winner: The Miz
LIVE On Pay Per View
United States Title Match
(C) Kofi Kingston vs. Dean Ambrose
We go right to the ring and out comes Chris Jericho for tonight's opener. Jericho comes out to a big pop. Fandango is out next with his dancer Summer Rae.
We get a look at Jericho's WrestleMania 29
loss as Fandango and Summer Rae dance out. Jericho doesn't look
impressed as Fandango and Summer do their entrance. They lock up and
Jericho takes it to the corner. The referee breaks them up and they lock
up again. Jericho goes back to the corner and Fandango shoves him.
Jericho slaps Fandango. Fandango runs over him with a shoulder. Jericho
nails a dropkick and a back elbow. Fandango blocks a chop and rolls out
to the floor for a breather. Jericho comes out after him but Fandango
makes it back in first. Jericho with another back elbow. Jericho with a
kick to the chest and a sliding kick to send Fandango back to the floor.
Jericho leaps from the top out to the floor and takes out Fandango on
the floor. Jericho stands on top of the announcers table and poses for
the fans.
They come back in the ring and Fandango stomps away on Jericho. Jericho
fights back with kicks and a knee to the face. Jericho kicks Fandango
back out of the ring. Fandango comes back in and Jericho goes back to
work. Jericho runs into a big boot. Fandango covers for a 2 count.
Fandango with forearm shots and a kick to the face while Jericho is
stuck in the ropes. 2 count. Fandango with a headlock now. It looks like
they botch a sequence and Fandango covers for 2. Fandango comes in with
a springboard leg drop for 2. Fandango with another headlock. Jericho
fights out with a back drop. Jericho comes back with a shoulder tackle.
He goes to the top and comes crashing down with a big right hand.
Jericho with a bulldog and Walls of Jericho attempt. Fandango blocks it
but runs into a boot. Jericho goes to the top and nails a crossbody but
Fandango rolls through for a 2 count. Fandango with a kick to the face
and another 2 count.
Fandango drops Jericho and goes to the top for the big leg drop but
Jericho moves. Jericho nails a Lionsault and covers for a close 2 count.
Jericho with a kick to the head and big chops in the corner. Fandango
counters in the corner with a roll up. Jericho breaks it and locks in
the Walls of Jericho. Fandango makes it to the bottom rope and breaks
the hold. Jericho blocks a boot but gets dropped with a kick to the back
of the head. Fandango goes to the top but gets caught in mid-air with a
Codebreaker for the win.
Winner: Chris Jericho
Josh Mathews is backstage with Sheamus and asks him how he's going to drag Mark Henry
around the ring and win tonight's match. Sheamus says he's not like
those trucks Henry pulled, he hits back. Sheamus says everyone will see
what happens when The Celtic Warrior goes extreme.
More hype for Ryback vs. Cena
United States Title Match
(C) Kofi Kingston vs. Dean Ambrose
We go to the ring and out first comes WWE United States Champion Kofi Kingston. Out next comes Dean Ambrose with Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns through the crowd. Reigns and Rollins head back up the stairs as Ambrose comes to the ring by himself.
They lock up and trade holds to start the match. Ambrose drops Kofi with
a big clothesline. Ambrose with a quick elbow drop for a 1 count.
Ambrose with a neckbreaker for another pin attempt. Ambrose keeps
control and drops Kofi for another pin attempt. Ambrose taunts Kofi now.
Kofi fights back with rights but Dean catches him in mid-air and
applies a chicken-wing submission. Ambrose drops to the mat and tries to
make Kofi tap.
Kofi comes back with a dropkick and a big right hand. Kofi goes for the Boom Drop and nails it. Ambrose dodges
Trouble In Paradise. More back and forth. Kofi nails SOS for a close 2
count. Kofi goes to the top but Ambrose cuts him off. Ambrose goes for a
superplex but Kofi fights him off and to the mat. Ambrose runs back up
and cuts Kofi off again. Ambrose nails a double underhook superplex but
Kofi kicks out at 2. Kofi with a big kick in the corner. Kofi
springboards in and covers Ambrose for 2. Ambrose ends up on the apron.
Ambrose gets hit with Trouble In Paradise and falls outside of the ring.
Kofi brings him back in the ring and covers for a 2 count. Ambrose with
a roll up for 2. Kofi with another kick. Ambrose ducks Trouble In
Paradise and drops Kofi on his face for the win and the title.
Winner: New WWE United States Champion: Dean Ambrose
After the match, Ambrose celebrates with the title as Reigns and Rollins return to the ring for a celebration.
We get a look at the Sheamus and Mark Henry feud.
Strap Match
Sheamus vs. Mark Henry
We go to the ring and Lilian Garcia does the introductions. Mark Henry
is out next followed by Sheamus. There are lights on top of the ring
posts that will light up when each man touches the corner. The referee
gives Henry one end of the strap and he throws the other end at Sheamus.
Sheamus kicks it back to Henry. Sheamus finally straps in and here we
go. Sheamus pops the strap at Henry's face a few times to start the
match. Henry steps on the strap and Sheamus makes him fall by pulling
They go at it now. Sheamus makes it to one corner and the light lights
up. Henry drops him and the referee calls for the lights to be reset.
More back and forth and they end up outside of the ring. Sheamus starts
tagging lights from the apron and hits three of them. Apparently this is
legal. Henry knocks Sheamus off the apron with a big right hand and the
lights are reset. Henry brings Sheamus back in over the top rope with
the strap. Henry starts whipping Sheamus now. Henry scoops Sheamus on
his shoulder and starts tagging lights. Sheamus is tagging the lights
also and three for each men are lit up. They go to the mat and the
lights are reset again. Sheamus makes a comeback and takes Henry down.
Sheamus drops a bunch of knees and starts whipping Henry.
Sheamus tries to get all the lights again but Henry stops him and sends
him out to the floor. They brawl outside of the ring now. Sheamus straps
Henry to the ring post and stomps away on him. Sheamus pulls Henry into
the ring post face first with the strap now. Henry rolls back in the
ring and Sheamus follows. Sheamus starts touching corners again. Henry
stops him at the fourth corner. Sheamus blocks a World's Strongest Slam
and nails a Brogue Kick to hit the fourth corner for the win.
Winner: Sheamus
AJ Lee is backstage on the phone with Dolph Ziggler when Kaitlyn walks up. Vickie Guerrero
told Kaitlyn that AJ is too distraught over Dolph's injury to face her
in a title match. AJ says Kaitlyn should be focusing on her secret
admirer. Kaitlyn disses Dolph and they have words. AJ calls her a pig
and Kaitlyn runs back to attack her. They brawl on the floor when The
Bella Twins and Tamina Snuka come to watch the fight. Referees try to
pull them apart but they keep going at it. Finally they're separated and
we cut to a WrestleMania 29 DVD promo.
We get hype for tonight's #1 contender's match and see how Dolph Ziggler was injured.
I Quit Match
#1 Contender For World Heavyweight Title
Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger
We go to the ring and out first comes Jack Swagger with Zeb Colter.
Colter says America is going down the toilet but we have a ray of light
in Jack Swagger. Colter talks about the IRS targeting certain political
groups. Colter rants about the government wiretapping the "lamestream"
media. Colter starts ripping the St. Louis Cardinals and says they
should be called the Caribbean Cardinals because of the roster. Colter
says tonight, Swagger will make Alberto Del Rio quit in two languages
then they will ship him off to where he came from. Colter says then they
will go hunting for Dolph Ziggler and the World Title. Swagger's
America has begun, Colter says. Ricardo Rodriguez is out next to begin
the introduction for Alberto Del Rio.
Swagger strikes first but Del Rio blocks him and they go at it. Del Rio
clotheslines Swagger to the floor and dives through the ropes, taking
him out. Del Rio goes under the ring and brings out a kendo stick. Del
Rio misses and Swagger sends him into the barrier. The referee checks on
Del Rio twice to see if he wants to quit as Swagger has the stick
against his throat. Del Rio blocks a backdrop and sends Swagger into the
steel steps. The referee asks Swagger if he wants to quit. Del Rio
slams Swagger's arm into the steps and Swagger still won't quit. Del Rio
continues working on the arm. They come back in the ring and Swagger
beats Del Rio down with a kendo stick. Swagger bends Del Rio's body
around the ring post but Del Rio still won't quit.
The crowd chants for Ziggler as Swagger keeps control of Del Rio. Del
Rio still won't quit after Swagger works on his ankle. Del Rio blocks a
kendo shot but Swagger clotheslines him. Swagger wraps Del Rio in the
ropes and beats him with the kendo stick but he still won't quit.
Swagger wails away with the kendo stick. Del Rio hesitates but doesn't
give up. Del Rio with an armlock on the ropes now. Swagger won't quit
and knocks Del Rio out to the floor. Swagger welcomes us to his America.
Swagger grabs a steel chair and
brings it in the ring. Del Rio runs up and kicks Swagger in the head on
the apron. Del Rio fights back but Swagger kicks him down. Swagger
taunts Del Rio but he still won't give up. Swagger misses a running boot
and Del Rio nails two clotheslines. Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl
backbreaker. Del Rio with the super kick to the jaw. Swagger says no to
giving up just yet.
Del Rio ties Swagger up in the ropes and wails away on him with the
kendo stick now. Swagger says no to quitting and Del Rio hits a
Backstabber. The crowd gets behind Del Rio as he readies for the cross
armbreaker. Swagger blocks it and nails a big slam. Swagger nails a
Swagger Bomb to the back. Swagger hits the gutwrench powerbomb but Del
Rio doesn't want to quit. Swagger nails another gutwrench powerbomb but
Del Rio won't give up. Del Rio applies the cross armbreaker out of
nowhere but Swagger won't quit. Swagger turns it into the Patriot Lock
but Del Rio won't quit either. Swagger falls back on the ankle but Del
Rio still won't give up. Del Rio tells Ricardo not to throw the towel
in. Zeb interferes, throws a towel in and makes it look like Ricardo
threw it in. The referee sees this and thinks Ricardo threw in the towel
for Del Rio.
Winner and New #1 Contender: Jack Swagger
After the match, another referee runs out and explains what happened.
The referee goes to the timekeeper and asks the truck to replay what
happened. He watches on a monitor and sees what really happened. He says
if Del Rio can continue, the match will re-start. The match is
restarted after Del Rio is able to get to his feet. Swagger goes right
back to the leg and works him over. Del Rio nails a superkick to the
arm. Del Rio hobbles over and applies the cross armbreaker. Swagger
almost quits but counters the hold. Del Rio locks it in tighter and
Swagger finally quits.
Winner and New #1 Contender: Alberto Del Rio
Josh Mathews is backstage with Ryback. He says Cena is a liar and won't get up tonight because he won't let him. Ryback says he rules tonight.
Tag Team Title Match
Tornado Rules
(C) Team Hell NO vs. The Shield
We go to the ring and out first comes WWE Tag Team Champions Kane and Daniel Bryan. Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns come through the crowd next. The match starts and everyone goes at it. Everyone is legal at the same
time in this match. Bryan and Rollins go at it. Bryan with a big
clothesline and a surfboard submission as Kane stomps on Reigns. Kane
with a double team kick to Rollins for a 2 count. Reigns decks Bryan and
goes to work on Kane in the corner. Rollins joins in before going back
at it with Bryan. Reigns and Rollins double team Bryan for another 2
count. Rollins goes back to work on Kane. The Shield keep control for
several minutes. They go for a super powerbomb out of the corner but
Bryan counters and sends Reigns to the mat. Kane grabs Reigns and
Rollins by their throats and sends them both out to the floor. Bryan
runs the ropes and dives out onto them.
Kane follows and they bring it back in the ring. More double teaming by
Team Hell No. Bryan with a powerslam. Kane and Bryan both go to the top.
Kane takes out Rollins and Bryan hits him with a headbutt. Kane covers
for a 2 count as Reigns breaks the pin. Bryan and Reigns go at it now.
Reigns goes a big Samoan Drop but Bryan tries to roll him up. Bryan
blocks a counter and applies the No Lock on Reigns. Kane stops Rollins
from coming in. Rollins fights his way in and breaks the No Lock. Kane
chokeslams Rollins. Reigns spears Kane. Reigns beats Bryan down in the
corner and talks trash. Kane makes the save and nails Reigns with right
hands. Kane goes for a slam but Reigns shoves Kane into Bryan in the
corner. Reigns super kicks Kane. Kane grabs him for a chokeslam but
Rollins makes the save off the top rope. Reigns hits Kane with another
spear and covers for the 2 count as Bryan makes the save. Bryan with
kicks on Reigns now.
Kane follows and they bring it back in the ring. More double teaming by Team Hell No. Bryan with a powerslam. Kane and Bryan both go to the top.
Kane takes out Rollins and Bryan hits him with a headbutt. Kane covers
for a 2 count as Reigns breaks the pin. Bryan and Reigns go at it now.
Reigns goes a big Samoan Drop but Bryan tries to roll him up. Bryan
blocks a counter and applies the No Lock on Reigns. Kane stops Rollins
from coming in. Rollins fights his way in and breaks the No Lock. Kane
chokeslams Rollins. Reigns spears Kane. Reigns beats Bryan down in the
corner and talks trash. Kane makes the save and nails Reigns with right
hands. Kane goes for a slam but Reigns shoves Kane into Bryan in the
corner. Reigns super kicks Kane. Kane grabs him for a chokeslam but
Rollins makes the save off the top rope. Reigns hits Kane with another
spear and covers for the 2 count as Bryan makes the save. Bryan with
kicks on Reigns now. They hit a big double team move on Bryan for the
Winners and New WWE Tag Team Champions: Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns
After the match, Ambrose comes out to join in on the celebration. The
Shield pose with the WWE Tag Team Titles and WWE United States Title.
We go to Renee Young, Mick Foley, Titus O'Neil and Wade Barrett to talk about what's happened on the pay-per-view so far.
Extreme Rules Match
Randy Orton vs. The Big Show
We go to the ring and out first comes Big Show. Randy Orton is out next to a massive pop from the hometown crowd.
Orton starts off and takes Show to the corner. Show runs over him with a
big shoulder tackle. Show sends Orton to the floor but Orton strikes
him with a kendo stick. Orton wails away. Show comes back with a big
body shot and a headbutt. Show takes control on the floor now. Show
tears up the kendo stick and takes Orton to the announcers table. Orton
counters and shoves Show face first into the ring post. Orton pulls a
ladder from under the ring but Show superkicks it into his face. Show
brings it back in the ring and throws Orton shoulder first into the ring
post. Show goes to work on Orton's arm now.
Orton turns it around and staggers Show. More back and forth. Orton
nails a dropkick and Show goes down. Show keeps control and brings a
ladder in the ring. He also brings two steel chairs in. Show props the
ladder up on top of the two chairs. Show nails a sideslam and covers for
a 2 count. Show lays Orton on top of the ladder and goes to the second
rope. Show goes to hit a big splash but Orton moves and Show crashes
through the ladder. Orton covers for a 2 count. Orton works Show over to
the apron and this time nails a top rope draping DDT. Orton gets the
crowd hyped and nails a RKO but Show kicks out at 2.
They go back to the floor and Orton smacks Show in the back with a chair
several times. Show rolls back in the ring and Orton follows with the
chair. Orton hits Show in the chest with the chair. Orton goes for
another shot but Show spears him. Orton with a kick to the face and a
RKO on top of the steel chair. Orton waits for Show to get up. Orton
looks around and hears the voices. Orton brings back the punt kick and
nails Show in the head with it. Orton covers for the win.
Winner: Randy Orton
We get a promo for tonight's WWE Title match
WWE Extreme Rules
Co-Main Event Of The Evening
Last Man Standing WWE Title Match
(C) John Cena vs. Ryback
We go to the ring and out first comes Ryback. Out next comes WWE
Champion John Cena to a nice pop from the crowd. We get formal
introductions before the bell.
They lock up and Ryback
goes to a headlock. They run the ropes and Ryback hits a big shoulder.
More back and forth. Ryback drops Cena with another big shoulder but
Cena makes it up. The "Goldberg" chants start up. They lock back up and
Ryback goes to another headlock. They run the ropes and Cena drops
Ryback with a shoulder now. Cena takes Ryback to the corner and then
nails a bulldog. Ryback runs right over Cena but he makes it up before
the 10 count. Ryback with shoulder thrusts in the corner now. Cena
fights him off. Ryback runs into big boots. Cena leaps out of the corner
but Ryback catches him and nails a big powerslam. Cena makes it up
before the 10 count.
Ryback continues to dominate Cena but he keeps getting up before the
referee counts to 10. Ryback presses Cena high in the air and holds him
before slamming him on the mat. Ryback nails a big powerbomb and
continues posing as Cena is counted by the referee. Cena ducks a shot
and sends Ryback over the top rope to the floor. Cena brings a table
from under the ring as the referee counts Ryback. Cena brings the table
in the ring and goes for an Attitude Adjustment. Ryback blocks it and
nails a sitdown jawbreaker type move on Cena. The referee counts Cena as
Ryback lays the table in the corner. Cena fights back with rights and
lefts. Cena ducks a clothesline and nails a shoulder. Ryback catches
Cena in mid-air and nails a fall-away slam through the table. Cena
crashes hard and the referee begins the count.
Cena makes a comeback and nails the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Ryback blocks
the AA and takes Cena back down with a big shoulder to the gut. Cena
makes it back up at the 8 count. Ryback misses a powerbomb and Cena
slides through. Cena nails a powerbomb of his own. Ryback makes it up at
the 8 count but falls back down. Ryback gets back up but Cena leaps on
him. It looks like Cena was going for the hurricanrana but they didn't
make it. Cena holds onto Ryback and it gets a little awkward. Ryback
powers up and slams Cena. Ryback nails the Meathook clothesline and the
count begins on Cena again. Cena ducks a clothesline and applies the
STF. Cena finally breaks the hold, leaving Ryback out on the mat. The
referee begins the count as Cena brings a table in. Cena sets the table
up as Ryback gets to his feet at 9. Ryback slams Cena on his face by his
neck. Ryback goes for Shellshocked but Cena slides out and nails an AA
through the table. Cena makes it up and Ryback is back up at 9. Cena
goes to the top but Ryback cuts him off. Ryback nails Shellshocked.
Cena barely gets up before the 10 count. Ryback drops him in the corner
and pulls his ankle into the ring post. Ryback grabs a chair and goes
for the ankle but Cena kicks him. Cena tackles Ryback through the
barrier and into the timekeeper's area. The referee begins counting both
men but they get up. They fight out into the crowd with Ryback in
control. Ryback slams Cena's face into a wall and picks up part of what
looks like a hockey wall. Ryback decks Cena in the head with it. Cena
makes it up and applies a sleeper hold. Ryback walks through the
production area with Cena on his back. Ryback goes down in the sleeper.
Cena rolls off, gets up and the referee begins to count. Ryback makes it
up before the 10 count and Cena goes back to work on him. Cena puts
Ryback on top of a table. Cena climbs up on to a short balcony with the
fans. Cena leaps out with an elbow and puts Ryback through the table.
Cena gets up as does Ryback. Ryback falls back down and the referee
starts to count. Cena repeatedly sprays Ryback with a fire extinguisher.
They make their way onto the stage. Cena sprays the extinguisher empty
and decks Ryback in the head with it. Ryback goes to one knee but gets
back up. Cena looks shocked. Cena decks him with another extinguisher
shot to the head. Ryback makes it to his feet and Cena can't believe it.
Cena goes for an AA but Ryback slides out. Ryback rams Cena through
part of the stage lighting and some of the lights explode. Cena and
Ryback are nowhere to be seen. The referee runs around the stage as we
go to replays. The cameras go to the back and both men are down with
trainers and referees. They're asking for paramedics and stretchers.
Cena falls off a structure his body was laying on. Cena is put in a neck
brace and loaded on a stretcher, after they lift the metal rigging that
he fell under. The crowd boos. Ryback is helped to his feet and walks
away with a referee. Fans chant for Mick Foley. They finally get Cena loaded on the stretcher. We go back to replays of what just happened.
Result: No Contest Both Couldn't Continue
We get a promo for tonight's main event as the steel cage begins to lower around the ring.
WWE Extreme Rules
Main Event Of The Evening
Steel Cage Match
HHH vs. Brock Lesnar
The announcers hype a new taller, re-enforced steel cage for tonight's
match. We go to the ring and out first comes Triple H. Brock Lesnar with
Paul Heyman
are out next. Lesnar gets pyro before making his way to the cage. They
go right at it when the bell rings. HHH hits an early spinebuster after
some offense. Lesnar blocks a Pedigree and backdrops HHH into the steel.
Lesnar takes over control and works HHH around the cage. Lesnar tosses
HHH across the ring and into the steel several more times. Lesnar jogs
around the ring and waits on HHH to get up. HHH blocks a shot and sends
Lesnar face first into the steel. HHH with big right hands and a jumping
knee to the face. Lesnar comes right back with another big throw.
Lesnar tosses HHH into the steel again. Lesnar charges with a high knee
but HHH moves and Lesnar hits his knee on the steel. Lesnar sells the
knee injury now. Heyman tells him to shake it off. Lesnar meets HHH on
the top. Lesnar with a massive powerslam but he goes down on the hurt
knee. Lesnar yells to Heyman.
Lesnar locks in the kimura lock but HHH fights out by hitting the knees.
Lesnar stops HHH with a big clothesline. Heyman opens the cage door for
Lesnar to exit. HHH tries to escape but Heyman shoves the referee and
shuts the door on HHH. Lesnar nails a F5 on HHH for a close 2 count.
Lesnar tells Heyman to get him a steel chair. Lesnar goes to work on HHH
with the chair now. Lesnar is still complaining to Heyman about his
knee. Lesnar goes for another F5 but his knee buckles. HHH comes back
and takes Lesnar down by his knee. HHH gets up and uses the chair on
Lesnar now. Heyman begs HHH to stop. HHH focuses on the injured knee and
takes Lesnar to the corner. Lesnar locks in the kimura out of nowhere.
HHH goes for the Figure Four and locks it in. They battle while in the hold and Lesnar looks to turn it around. Lesnar starts
climbing the cage as Heyman cheers him on. Lesnar makes it to the top
of the cage but HHH stops him with a chairshot to the injured knee. HHH
climbs up and they fight on the cage wall. HHH sends Lesnar to the mat.
HHH smiles and reaches up to the top of the cage, pulling out a steel
sledgehammer. Lesnar nails HHH and brings him back to the mat. Lesnar
grabs the sledgehammer but HHH ducks. HHH goes for the Sharpshooter and
locks it in. Heyman runs in the cage and HHH breaks the hold. HHH nails
Heyman with a Pedigree. HHH decks Lesnar with the sledgehammer and hits a
Pedigree on him. HHH covers for a close 2 count. HHH grabs the
sledgehammer but Heyman hits a low blow from behind and HHH goes down.
Lesnar grabs the sledgehammer and nails HHH in the jaw with it. HHH lays
motionless as Lesnar limps around him. Lesnar yells and lifts HHH up.
Lesnar nails a F5 and covers HHH for the win.
Winner: Brock Lesnar
After the win, Lesnar lays the sledgehammer on top of Triple H's
chest. Lesnar limps out of the cage and we go to replays. We come back
and Triple H is being tended to by trainers. Lesnar stops and smiles on
the ramp before limping to the back. Heyman has been helped up the ramp
by referees. Heyman raises Lesnar's arm as we go back to Renee Young, Wade Barrett, Mick Foley and Titus O'Neil to kick off the post-show.
We go back to the ring where Triple H is being helped up. We get more replays. Extreme Rules goes off the air with Triple H leaving the ring, helped by WWE trainers.