Sunday, June 13, 2010

TNA Slammiversary VIII (8) Results ENCORE!!

TNA Slammiversary

June 13, 2010


Report by Matt Boone for

TNA Slammiversary Opener:

The show opens with a video package featuring the old NWA-TNA logo and clips of Ken Shamrock, etc. The piece contained comments from Dixie Carter, Kurt Angle, Hulk Hogan, etc. The PPV ended by saying tonight's show is eight years in the making.


Kurt Angle vs. Kazarian

Mike Tenay announces on commentary early in this match that the new TNA top 10 rankings will come out on Thursday's Impact. Crowd is behind Angle big here. "U.S.A." chants break out from the Impact Zone. Angle in control of the offense here early on. Kaz breaks momentum with a flying dropkick off the corner. Angle hits a series of German Suplexes on Kaz. Kaz refuses to listen to the ref while hitting Angle. The ref almost DQ's him but Angle puts a stop to it. Kaz goes back to work on Angle in the corner. Crowd chanting for Angle to make a comeback. Angle begins fighting back now. Angle with a backbreaker on Kaz out of nowhere. Kaz slaps a choke on Angle to slow him down. Angle escapes and both guys are exchanging blows now in the center of the ring. Angle goes for an Angle Slam but Kaz escapes. Angle powerbombs Kaz and slaps on the Ankle Lock. Kaz eventually gets out. "This is awesome" chant breaks out. Angle hits a series of four german suplexes on Kaz and pulls the straps down. Kaz is put in the Ankle Lock again. Kaz gets out and piledrivers Angle. "Angle Slam" chant breaks out. Angle slaps on the Ankle Lock again a short time later and this time gets the tap out.

Winner: Kurt Angle

TNA Appreciation:

Mike Tenay and Taz are shown on camera. They talk about the history of TNA and thank TNA for giving a place for talent to come and work. They thank Jeff Jarrett and all the other key people.


(C) Douglas Williams vs. Brian Kendrick

They fight to the floor early in the match and Williams hits a backdrop suplex on Kendrick on the floor. Williams rolls back in the ring and back out to break the count. He throws Kendrick back in the ring and applies a chinlock. Kendrick is fighting back now but Williams hits a fallaway slam to cool him down. Williams is taunting the crowd now. Kendrick hits Williams with a dropkick. He hits a series of high risk moves and the crowd is getting hot. Williams regaining control of the offense again now. Williams hits a tornado DDT and pins Kendrick for the three count.

Winner: Douglas Williams

Christy Hemme Interviews Eric Bischoff

Christy Hemme is backstage with Eric Bischoff. Bischoff cuts a promo about Sting. He cuts down Sting. He says RVD is just great. He says maybe after this they'll get Sting out of their hair for a bit.


Roxxi vs. (C) Madison Rayne

Rayne opens up in the ring on the mic. She says The Beautiful People have dominated the past few years and Roxxi just pops in and out. Crowd getting all over her. She asks Roxxi to put her career on the line in this match. Roxxi looks like she may agree but instead gets blasted with the ring bell. Rayne with a two count on Roxxi. Rayne has Roxxi in a corner now and is going to work. Both girls battle back and forth for a few minutes. Roxxi hits her finisher on Rayne but only gets a two count. Rayne hits Roxxi with a knee to the face, followed by her finishing move. She gets the pinfall and the victory.

Winner: Madison Rayne


Brother Ray vs. Jesse Neal

Brother Ray has a mic. He tells Neal to hold on and asks Devon to get down here. Moore comes to the ring. Ray says he owes them an apology. Ray says he has been a bully. Ray apologizes again and sets the mic down. He hugs Neal and raises his arm. They all leave up the ramp. During this time, Ray turns and attacks from behind. He throws Neal into the ring. Devon goes crazy. Ray yells for them to get Devon out of there. Ray beating the crap out of Neal in the ring. Ray slapping Neal around now. Neal is starting to fight back some now. Neal with a crossbody off the ropes onto Ray. Belly to Belly suplex on Ray. Tommy Dreamer comes out of the crowd. Loud "ECW" chants break out. Ray stares and points at Dreamer. Neal hits a spear on Ray out of nowhere and pins him. Dreamer walks off.

Winner: Jesse Neal

Christy Hemme Interviews Hernandez

Christy Hemme is backstage with Hernandez. Hernandez cuts a promo about Matt Morgan hurting him, making a joke of the titles. He says he's going to take Morgan down.


Hernandez vs. Matt Morgan

Morgan is out in street clothes and a huge neck brace. Morgan selling big as he comes to the ring. He gets on the mic and says it is with deep regret that he comes out here to inform us that he cannot compete tonight. He says we have Hernandez to thank for that. He hands the ref a doctor's note. Hernandez comes out and just ignores all of that as he goes to work immediately on Morgan. Hernandez is a wild man as he continues his attack. Morgan and Hernandez fight to the floor and Morgan slams Hernandez into the ring post several times. Morgan goes to work on Hernandez in the ring now. Hernandez rips Morgan's shirt off and chokes him out with it. The ref tries to stop him but Hernandez throws the ref away. The ref calls for the bell.

Winner via DQ: Matt Morgan

Christy Hemme Interviews Hulk Hogan

Christy Hemme is backstage with Hulk Hogan. Hogan rips on Sting for his actions and what he did to Jeff Jarrett. He says no one should try and destroy a man's career. He says if one guy can hold his own it's RVD. Hogan says his eyes will be on Sting so there won't be a repeat of last month.


Abyss vs. Desmond Wolfe

Wolfe comes out with Chelsea. Abyss comes out with an assortment of weapons. Wolfe has a kendo stick but Abyss knocks it away. He hits Wolfe with a big boot. Abyss has a chair but Wolfe kicks it. They wedge a chair into the corner. Wolfe almost slammed into the corner but he avoids it. Abyss comes out from under the ring with a chunk of plywood and rolls barbed wire all over it. Wolfe gets slammed into the chair in the corner head-first. Abyss goes for more weapons. Wolfe hits Abyss with a low blow. Wolfe hits Abyss with a trash can lid. Wolfe escapes a chokeslam attempt by Abyss. Wolfe hits Abyss with a kendo stick. Abyss falls face-first onto some broken glass that was spread out. Wolfe only gets a two count after that. "This is awesome" chants break out. Wolfe asks Chelsea for the purse but the brick isn't in it. She has it. She throws it to Abyss and Abyss uses it. He pins Wolfe for the victory.

Winner: Abyss

Christy Hemme Interviews RVD

Christy Hemme is backstage with RVD. RVD says he has to win tonight for all of TNA's fans. He says he's not going to let Sting's mind games work. He cares that Sting stole and vandalized his belt. RVD says he doesn't care what Sting's agenda is, he only cares about RVD's agenda - and so should Sting. RVD says tonight is the whole f'n show-time!


AJ Styles vs. Jay Lethal

AJ Styles is out first with Ric Flair. Jay Lethal is out now to a nice pop. Flair glares at Lethal and then talks a little trash. Lethal comes in looking all around him, playing things safe. Both guys are balls of energy, flying all over the place early. AJ is in control of the offense for the most part so far in this match. Lethal is starting to make a comeback now. Lethal now in control of the offense. Flair is flipping out on the floor and yelling at the ref now. Lethal walks over and throws a kick towards Flair. AJ uses the distraction to lock Lethal up in the figure four. Lethal makes it to the ropes to break the hold. Styles sets up a Styles Clash but Lethal escapes. Lethal goes for a pin on Styles but Flair pulls Styles foot under the ropes to stop the pin. Lethal pulls Styles to the middle of the ring and applies the figure four himself. Ric Flair is wigging out on the floor. Styles hits the Pele kick on Lethal. Styles goes to the ropes but his knee buckles and he hits his face. Lethal reverses and pins Styles for the victory.

Winner: Jay Lethal

After The Match:

Ric Flair hits the ring and he's pissed. Kaz comes out and tries to calm Flair down. Flair is tearing into Styles. Kaz tells Flair that AJ needs to regroup. AJ is sitting on the mat in disbelief. Flair leaves him there and goes to the back with Kaz.

Christy Hemme Interviews Sting

Christy Hemme is backstage trying to interview Sting, but Sting sends her away. Sting says some men want to rule the place, some want to rule the world. Which is he?

Christy Hemme Interviews Jeff Hardy & Mr. Anderson

Christy Hemme is backstage with Jeff Hardy and Mr. Anderson. Hemme asks how they feel about being a new team and taking on an established team. Hardy says no one carried him. Anderson says they really need a name. He says Creatures of the Assholes. He says Assholes of the Night. He says Enigmatic Assholes. I think he's sticking with Enigmatic Assholes.



Jeff Hardy/Mr. Anderson vs. Beer Money

Beer Money is out first. Anderson comes out next. He fumbles the mic from the ceiling spot a bit. He finally announces himself as part of the Extreme Enigmatic assholes. Jeff Hardy comes out next. Anderson and Roode are going to start things off in this contest. "Asshole" chants from the crowd early. Roode quickly tags Storm in. Anderson tags Hardy in now. Storm knocks Hardy down and he and Roode use some double-team action. Hardy eventually makes the tag to Anderson. Anderson and Roode battling it out now. They fight to the floor. They double team Anderson on the floor a bit before the match gets back in the ring. The crowd is spelling A-S-S-H-O-L-E one letter at a time as a big chant. Nice. Anderson fighting back now and makes the tag to Hardy. Hardy gets the hot tag and is cleaning house now. They fight to the floor. They double team Anderson on the floor a bit before the match gets back in the ring. The crowd is spelling A-S-S-H-O-L-E one letter at a time as a big chant. Nice. Anderson fighting back now and makes the tag to Hardy. Hardy gets the hot tag and is cleaning house now. Storm hits the Eye of the Storm on Hardy. Beer Money get into an argument over a spot and Anderson takes Roode down for a three count. Anderson and Hardy win.

Winners: Jeff Hardy & Mr. Anderson



(C) RVD vs. Sting

Long, drawn out introductions for the main event are over and our match is officially underway. Sting fighting dirty early, not following the rules. They fight to the floor early. Back in the ring now, RVD is starting to battle back a bit. RVD slams Sting into a ringside wall five times in a row. Sting is fighting back now and he slams RVD into the wall repeatedly. Back in the ring, Sting hits a Stinger Splash. And another. Sting pins but only gets two. RVD is fighting back now. He signals "R" "V" and "D" with the double-thumbs to the crowd before hitting a split-legged moonsault on Sting for a nearfall. RVD comes off the ropes with a cross body but Sting pushes Earl Hebner in the way. Hebner is down and out now. Sting gets his bat in the meantime and hits Sting in the stomach with a shot. He's wailing on his back with the bat now. He hits RVD in the legs with the bat. Jeff Jarrett comes out. He grabs the bat from Sting and nails Sting with the bat in the face. Jarrett encouraging RVD to cover Sting for a pinfall. RVD hits Rolling Thunder on Sting. RVD makes a pin attempt, Hebner is slow to get to the count. Sting kicks out at two. Both guys are up now. Sting goes for a Stinger Splash but misses. RVD slams Sting down and hits a 5 Star Frogsplash on him for the pinfall. RVD wins and retains the title.

Winner: RVD

What a night it was shockingly Dixie Carter wastes another chance to win viewers!! Tommy Dreamer is your BIG thing to make people tune in?? Really?? ut ah give them credit for as low class as it was I can imagine they got a decent buyrate!!

Thank you so much for joining u here this has been a presentation of King Jay Entertainment and this is what the world is watching!!


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