Tuesday, July 14, 2009



UFC 100 "Making History" Results

Slam Sports Fighting

UFC 100 Blow By Blow


LAS VEGAS -- Brock Lesnar and Frank Mir battle to crown an undisputed UFC heavyweight champion. Also, Georges St-Pierre defends his welterweight title against Thiago Alves.


I'll skip the usual pre-coverage ramblings as the UFC decided to start the show 30 minutes early.

Matt (The Real One) Grice vs. Shannon Gugerty

Round one

Gugerty gets a takedown, but is caught in half-guard. He moves Grice towards the fence. He grabs a guillotine choke, but Grice slams out. They stand up, but Gugerty still has the choke. They hit the ground and Gugerty finishes the choke for the win!

Winner: Shannon Gugerty by first round submission.

CB (The Doberman) Dollaway vs. Tom (Filthy) Lawlor

Round one

Lawlor takes octagon control and jumps into a guillotine choke. Dollaway taps!

Winner: Tom Lawlor by first round submission

Dong Hyun (Stun Gun) Kim vs. TJ Grant

Round one

Grant tries a leg kick and shoots for a takedown. Het gets Kim down, but is having trouble keeping him there. Kim reverses and puts Grant on his back.

They're in guard and Grant tries some elbows from his back. Kim works in some short punches, but can't pass Grant's guard.

Grant is back to his feet, but Kim takes him back down. Kim still can't pass. Grant is back up and has a leg. He tries a takedown, but Kim reverses and puts him on his back. Kim starts using short elbows. They trade elbows and punches as the round ends.

Round two

Kim lands a hard kick, but Grant responds with an attempted head kick. Grant grabs a leg and goes for a takedown, but Kim reverses into a guillotine choke! Grant fights out!

Kim is back in Grant's guard. He lands a couple hard punches. Grant goes for a triangle choke, but Kim avoids it. Kim starts landing some nasty elbows, but Grant is trying for an omoplata. Kim avoids that.

Kim stands up and tries to pass to side-mount. Grant sucks him back into full-guard, though. Grant tries to sweep, but Kim pushes him back down. Kim stands up and Grant lands an illegal up-kick. They restart on the feet and trade a bit before the round ends. Grant needs something big here.

Round three

They touch gloves. Grant lands an inside leg kick. They clinch against the cage. Grant tries for the leg again. Kim tries a throw, but can't get it and they go back to the clinch. Grant throws a couple knees at Kim's body.

They start swinging with Kim landing the better punches. Kim takes Grant down. He continues to have difficulty passing Grant's guard, but lands a hard elbow.

They stand up and clinch against the cage. Kim takes him down again. He stands up and tries to punch Grant's head, but Grant uses his legs to keep Kim's hips at bay.

The round ends.

Winner: Dong Hyun Kim by unanimous decision.

I'll take this opportunity to mention that I'm having issues with the Wi-Fi in the Mandalay Bay Events Center. I will try to update as regularly as possible.

Jon (Bones) Jones vs. Jake (Irish) O'Brien

Round one

O'Brien eats a push kick and tries a takedown, Jones avoids it. Jones lands a hard overhand right. Jones tries a huge spinning head kick, but misses. O'Brien tries another takedown, but Jones sprawls.

Jones lands a slapping leg kick. They trade punches and O'Brien seems to be landing his left-hook. Jones tries a head kick, but O'Brien blocks it. He goes for another, but isn't getting through. O'Brien with a nice left-right combo. Jones with another leg kick and O'Brien almost catches it. Jones tries a jumping kick as the round ends.

Round two

Jones with a big flying knee, but he can't land the follow-up punches. He fakes a superman punch, tries a head kick and follows with a push kick that lands. Jones with another inside leg kick. O'Brien nails Jones with a left-hook.

Jones lands a huge spinning-back elbow, but O'Brien tries a takedown. Jones stuffs it secures a guillotine for the win!

Winner: Jon Jones by second round submission. Man. a lot of guillotine chokes so far.

Okay, someone just gave me access to a different wireless network. Hopefully, this one stays steady.

Mac Danzig vs. Jim Miller

Round one

Danzig lands a nice jab, but eats a left-straight. Miller gets the takedown and tries an overhand elbow. He goes for another and attempts to pass Danzig's half-guard. He postures up and lands a couple punches before bringing his head back down.

Danzig has full-guard now. Miller with a hard elbow. Danzig stands up, but eats a couple punches to get it done. Miller presses him against the fence and almost slams him. Danzig is bleeding quite a bit, but he tries a guillotine choke. Miller is out and continues to grind away at Danzig.

Danzig tries a gogoplata, but Miller avoids it and lands more elbows. The round ends.

Round two

Miller lands a huge body kick. He shoots and gets Danzig down again. Miller starts unloading with punches, but Danzig is defending them all. Danzig works in some elbows to the top of Miller's head.

Miller continues to grind away with those elbows. He tries a flurry of punches and hammerfists, but Danzig uses his hips to avoid any serious damage. Miller with another flurry, but he needs to improve his position because they're not hurting Danzig.

The ref stands them back up. Miller lands a hard right-hook and takes him down. Danzig has a guillotine, but the round ends!

Round three

Danzig is starting to open up on the feet. He lands a couple nice body shots, but needs to finish him. Danzig with a big knee, but Miller catches it and takes him down. Danzig is back up, but he looks woozy. Miller connects with a couple hard rights. Danzig with a big straight-right, but Miller puts him on his back again.

Danzig tries an omoplata, but Miller pulls his arm out. Miller takes his back, but Danzig lands some punches. Danzig turns him over and starts unloading with punches, but the round ends. Best fight so far.

Winner: Jim Miller by unanimous decision.

Mark (The Hammer) Coleman vs. Stephan (American Psycho) Bonnar

Round one

Bonnar comes out quickly, but isn't committing to much yet. Coleman gets him down against the fence, but Bonnar tries an omoplata shoulder lock. Bonnar simultaneously goes for an anklelock, but Coleman spins out.

Bonnar gets his hips out and stands back up. Coleman tries a takedown, but Bonnar is on his back and elbowing him in the head now.

Coleman is fighting for the leg, but Bonnar continues to land elbows and punches. Bonnar tries a kimura as the round ends.

Round two

Bonnar lands a stiff jab and ducks a huge right from Coleman. Coleman fails on a takedown attempt. Bonnar tries a spinning back kick, but Coleman puts him down and starts landing elbows and punches.

Coleman moves him against the fence and Bonnar is bleeding quite a bit. Bonnar tries to get his hips out again, but Coleman is back on top of him. Bonnar tries another omoplata, but Coleman spins out. Bonnar goes for a leg, but Coleman puts him back down again. They trade punches and elbows as Bonnar tries an armbar. Coleman unloads as the round ends.

Round three

Bonnar needs to finish him here. Coleman looks pretty fresh, though. Coleman connects with a straight-right and shoots for a takedown. Bonnar sprawls, but Coleman eventually gets him to the mat. Coleman is caught in half-guard, but is landing some punches. Bonnar kicks him off and tries a couple up-kicks. Coleman jumps into his guard and tries to smother him. Bonnar creates distance, but eats more punches. Coleman moves him against the fence and tries a neck-crank. The round ends.

Winner: Mark Coleman by unanimous decision.

We are on the air..2 titles on the line & 2 coaches go at it all that and more welcome to making history this is UFC 100 live from Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, Nevada!!

Yoshihiro Akiyama vs. Alan (The Talent) Belcher

Round one

They touch gloves and Belcher lands a nice leg kick. Akiyama tries a head kick. Belcher with a stiff body kick. Akiyama connects with a head kick and Belcher accidentally lands a low blow.

Belcher tries to come forward, but Akiyama keeps tagging him with punches. Belcher misses a head kick. Akiyama with a nice leg kick. Belcher presses him against the fence, but they separate. Akiyama connects with a nice right-hook. They start unloading on each other, but neither man goes down.

Belcher presses him against the fence. Belcher tries a leg kick, but Akiyama knocks him down with a straight-right.

Round two

Akiyama takes him down, but Belcher tries to reverse it. Akiyama stays on top and gets side-control. Belcher brings him back to full-guard. Akiyama postures up and rains a couple punches.

Akiyama connects with an elbow and good right-hand. They stand up and Akiyama tags him with a straight-right. Then a right uppercut. Akiyama nails him with a hard left-hook. Belcher tries a superman punch, but gets nothing.

Belcher slips on a leg kick attempt. He lands one as the round ends.

Round three

Belcher goes back to the leg kicks, but Akiyama moves forward. Belcher tries a head kick. Akiyama tags him with a straight-right and a left-hook. Belcher tries another leg kick. Belcher lands a stiff jab and follows with a leg kick. Akiyama tries a spinning back kick.

Akiyama with a big straight-right hand. They trade a few and Belcher tries a Thai clinch, but Akiyama backs out. Akiyama absolutely drills Belcher with a right, sending him rolling. Akiyama can't capitalize, though. Akiyama trips him to the mat, but Belcher is back up. They swing for the fences as the round ends. Good fight.

Winner: Yoshihiro Akiyama by split-decision.

Dan (Hendo) Henderson vs. Michael (The Count) Bisping

Round one

The crowd erupts for Dan Henderson and boos Bisping out of the building.

Henderson takes octagon control and starts walking Bisping down. Henderson tries that big right hand, but doesn't connect. He catches Bisping with a big left hook and starts unloading! Bisping manages to back out. Bisping with a nice jab. Henderson blocks a body kick. Bisping backs Henderson up with a jab. Bisping with a stiff left-right combo that connects.

Henderson clinches him against the cage and starts kneeing him in the body. They separate. Bisping tries a sloppy takedown and gets booed for his efforts. The round ends.

Round two

They exchange jabs. Henderson connects with a solid overhand right. He gets another and follows up with a left-hook. Henderson with another left-hook. Henderson with a hard overhand right. He tries another, but can't land it. Henderson with a huge overhand right and Bisping is out cold!

Winner: Dan Henderson by second round knockout

This Tuesday On The NEW FRANCHIZE
July 14th, 2009


Welterweight Title Match

Georges (Rush) St-Pierre vs. Thiago (Pit Bull) Alves

OK, I'm having more connection issues. I will try to update as regularly as possible.

Round one

Tries a leg lick, but gets backed up. Alves tries a head kick and follows up with a leg kick. St-Pierre gets a takedown. Alves stands up, but St-Pierre takes him down again. Alves gets back up, but puts him down and takes his back. Alves gets back up!

St-Pierre lands a leg kick, buts gets one in return. St-Pierre with a nice jab. Alves with a good left-hook. Alves stuffs a takedown attempt. St-Pierre misses a spinning back kick. Alves connects with a huge right and tries a knee, but gets taken down again.

Alves is back up and the round ends.

Round two

St-Pierre gets a takedown and tries for mount.Alves brings him back to guard.St-Pierre postures up and lands a couple hard punches. He keeps grinding away on Alves, but can't get past half-guard. Alves is up now and St-Pierre presses him against the cage.

Round three

Alves tries a superman punch. He connects with a left-hook. St-Pierre puts him back down again. He's stuck in half-guard again, though.

Alves is back up. St-Pierre connects with a stiff jab and Alves can't seem to land. St-Pierre drops Alves and unloads with elbows on the ground! Alves survives and the round ends!

Round four

Alves needs to make something happen and soon. St-Pierre gets a huge takedown, but is stuck in Alves' half-guard. He tries an armbar, but Alves pops out and is now in St-Pierre's guard.

Alves tries to unload with punches, but St-Pierre blocks them. St-Pierre is back up. Alves tries a leg kick, but St-Pierre catches it and knocks him down with an overhand right. St-Pierre has his back and goes for a rear-naked choke. The round ends.

Round five

Alves connects with a left-hook. St. Pierre is being very elusive though. Alves is still having problems connecting. St-Pierre gets another takedown. Alves is back up and looks tired. St-Pierre gets another takedown and time is running out for Alves.

Alves tries an overhand right, but St-Pierre ducks and takes him to the mat. He works in some punches, but mostly he's just holding Alves down.

Winner: Georges St. Pierre by unanimous decision.

Don't forget to check back here Saturday night for...
KJE style...


Right here on KJE!!


Undisputed World Heavyweight Title Match

Brock Lesnar vs. Frank Mir

Round one

Bruce Buffer just pulled off the Buffer 360! It's more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.

Lesnar starts with a leg kick. Mir tries to jump into a kneebar, but it backfires. Lesnar is in half-guard and doesn't even seem to be trying to advance that position. The crowd starts booing.

Lesnar connects with some right hands to Mir's face. He delivers some to the body, but not much is happening. He continues punching Mir to the body and head. The crowd boos at the round ends.

Round two

Lesnar dumps Mir, but lets him back up. Mir lands a jumping knee, but Lesnar goes with it and takes him down. Lesnar presses Mir against the fence as the crowd starts chanting for the ref to stand them up. Lesnar starts unloading with punches to Mir's face and the ref calls it!

Winner: Brock Lesnar by second round TKO

Jon Fitch vs. Paulo Thiago

Round one

Fitch tries a body kick, but Thiago blocks it. Fitch connects with a leg kick and takes Thiago down.Thigao has a guillotine, but Fitch isn't tapping. Thiago's wearing his arms out holding onto this.

Thiago switches to a single-arm guillotine, but Fitch pops his head out. Fitch takes his back, but Thiago switches and tries a takedown. Fitch is hanging over him and delivering punches to his head. Fitch tries a kimura, but the round ends.

Round two

Fitch tries a head kick and shoots in on Thiago. He grabs a bodylock and throws Thiago to the mat. Fitch is riding him against the cage, but Thiago has a hold of his head. Thiago stands up, but Fitch has his back.Thiago gets loose and goes for his own takedown. Fitch knees him in the body and takes him down. This is a very deliberate grappling match.

Fitch takes his back. Thiago tries to stand up, but Fitch is keeping him spread out. Thiago passes one of the hooks and tries to stand up again. Fitch is still on him, though. The round ends.

Round three

Fitch connects with a straight-right and tries a head kick. He takes Thiago down again. He continues to keep on top of Thiago, then switches to his back again. Fitch has the full-mount now. Thiago turns and tries to stand up, but Fitch is on him still. Thiago goes for the head, but Fitch pops his head out. Fitch takes his back again and lands some punches to the side of Thiago's head. Fitch continues to pound him as the round ends.

Winner: Jon Fitch by unanimous decision.

Thank you so much for joining us here on KJE for your results of UFC 100 this has been a special presentation of King Jay Entertainment and as you know this is what the world is watching!!

For all of us here thank you for taking the time as we say good night from the Kingdom what will happen next??

Good night from the Kingdom in Scarborough!!


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