Sunday, October 24, 2010

UFC 121: Lesner vs. Velasquez FULL RESULTS!!

Welcome to Part 2!! This is the full results from UFC 121: Lesner vs. Velasquez!! What a night it was in Anaheim. It was student vs. teacher and it was brick wall vs. speed!! Who would leave winners?? Let's not waste anymore time!!

For the UFC 121 Prelim results simply click the link below

Brendan Schaub vs. Gabriel Gonzaga

Round 1

Referee Jason Herzog officiates the first bout of the main card. The heavyweights touch gloves and Gonzaga takes the center as Schaub circles outside. Overhand right and leg kick land for Schaub, and Gonzaga connects with a hard low kick of his own. Schaub looking to establish his left jab, catches the leg of Gonzaga on a kick and hits the Brazilian with a hard right hand over the top. Quick one-twos from Schaub are keeping Gonzaga at bay, though they’re not all landing flush. Left high kick from Gonzaga is blocked, but he lands the follow-up right low kick. Gonzaga looking very tentative, finally comes inside with a combo and gets rocked by a counter from Schaub, who starts to tee off and drops Gonzaga in the final seconds of the round.

Round 2

Gonzaga comes out lobbing outside low kicks at the left leg of Schaub, who’s still pumping his left jab into “Napao’s” face at will. A pair of lefts and right land for Schaub and send Gonzaga backward. Schaub ties up with Gonzaga and lands a few short-range uppercuts, misses on the exit knee. Gonzaga mounting little in the way of offense in the final minute as Schaub lands single shots.

Round 3

Gonzaga shoots, but Schaub sprawls well and stays vertical. More left jabs from Schaub, who’s busily circling as Gonzaga remains an easy target in the center of the cage. Gonzaga lands a single leg kick, and then tries for a head kick, but it’s blocked. Inside thigh kick from Gonzaga appears to catch Schaub low, but “The Hybrid” waves it off. Schaub still looking fresh with 90 seconds left in the bout, but doesn’t seem to be looking for the kill. Gonzaga trying to come forward, but Schaub’s on his bike and keeping the Brazilian at range. Schaub shoots in the waning moments, Gonzaga sprawls, and nearly sinks in a rear-naked choke at the buzzer, but it’s too late.

Official scores: 30-27 across the board for Brendan Schaub, the winner by unanimous decision.

Tito Ortiz vs. Matt Hamill

Round 1

Tito lands a huge head kick to start the round. Matt lands a nice left. Tito fighting like a whole different person. Tito throwing a lot of kicks. Crowd is way into the fight. Matt takes Tito down off a body kick. Tito scrambles back to his feet. Tito bleeding from the side of his head. Tito with a body kick. Tito has a cut on his right eye, which is already swelling up. Tito with a leg kick. Matt with a stiff jab. Tito with a head kick partially blocked by Matt. Tito with a nice right. Tito actually fighting like a fighter for a change. He looks determined. Inside leg kick by Tito. Matt with a head kick blocked by Tito. Tito with a spinning backfist. Who is this and what did he do with the real Tito Ortiz? Matt throws an uppercut. Tito with a nice uppercut of his own. Both guys trade jabs. 30 seconds left in Round 1. Tito with a nice right hook on Matt. Matt hits Tito with a clean punch after the bell.

Round 2

Tito opens up the second with a nice leg kick. Matt with a nice straight right. Tito answers back. Tito with a nice body shot. Matt with a nice leg kick that finds the mark. Tito stuns Matt briefly with a nice left. Matt with a nice leg kick. Tito with a nice right. Tito with a head kick blocked by Matt. Matt answers back with an inside leg kick. Tito with a nice body punch which drops the hands of Matt. Matt shakes his head acknowledging a strong punch. Tito with a nice knee to the head. Matt answers back with a leg kick. Tito with a hook leg kick combo. Matt starting to breathe with his mouth open. Matt with a nice take down landing in Tito's full guard. Tito moving his hips, looking for submission opportunities. Matt with some nice, short elbows from the top. Tito throws his legs up for an armbar, Matt avoids it easily. Matt is starting to string his punches together from the top. Tito with an elbow from the bottom. 1 minute left on the clock. Tito looking for a kneebar. Matt rolls out. Ends up in side mount. Matt landing nice elbows from side control. Short but powerful. 30 seconds left. Tito bloody and swollen, looking like a Tito Ortiz victim. Tito regains half guard as the round ends. Tito's eyes are almost swollen shut. Matt once again throws a punch after the bell.

Round 3

Matt starts the round off with a nice uppercut. Matt with a nice left hook. Matt starting to look like Nick Diaz taunting Tito by flailing his arms around. Tito lands a nice right. Tito with a body kick. Slower pace so far than the previous two rounds. Tito with a great one two which snaps the head back. Tito with a huge body kick. Matt with a lead uppercut. Tito's face is a mess. Matt with a leg kick straight punch combo. Matt double jabs. Tito not doing much in the third. Tito with a nice left. Tito pawing with a jab. Tito shoots in, Matt easily defends. Matt with a nice straight right. Tito responds with a stiff jab. Tito with a nice uppercut. Matt takes Tito down. 1 minute left. It could be over for Tito. Matt working some nice elbows from Tito's half guard. The horn sounds to end the round and the fight. Could be an interesting decision, but should be an easy victory for Hamill. We'll see.

Matt Hamell def. Tito Ortiz via Unanimous Decision (29:28, 29:28, 30:27) after 3 Rounds.

Paulo Thiago vs. Diego Sanchez

Round 1

Diego comes out wild. No suprises there. Crowd really behind Diego. Diego lands a nice right. Paulo with a wild body kick. Diego tries to take Paulo down but gets stuck in a guillotine choke. Diego escapes. Now we're clenched against the cage. They seperate and start trading punches. Diego misses with a wild right hook. Diego with a nice right hook. Paulo takes Diego down landing in Diego's half guard. Paulo comes close on a number of submission attempts. They ultimately scramble back to their feet. Crowd cheers. One minute left. Nice body shot by Diego. Diego with a nice right hand. Diego with a nice combo. We're clenched against the cage again. Paulo flurries wild near the end of the round but Diego sneaks in an uppercut that momentarily stuns him. The round ends on that.

Round 2

Diego comes out switching stances. Nice leg kick by Diego. Then there is a huge flurry with Paulo sneaking in a really good right hand. Diego swinging like a madman. In a scramble they end up on the ground in a weird position. They settle with Thiago on the bottom. Thiago has a butterfly guard from the bottom. Thiago threatening with the kamura from the bottom. Just to force Diego to move positions. Diego passes to half guard. Paulo warned for an illegal elbow. Paulo again looking at the arm of Diego. Diego escapes and is standing over Paulo now. Diego dives back into Paulo's full guard. Thiago monkey flips Diego. Diego picks Thiago up runs across the cage screaming like a crazy person and slams him big time landing in Thiago's full guard. Crowd still cheering for that seconds later. Diego threatens with a rear naked choke. Lets it go to pound on Thiago. Diego looking to take Thiago's back. Thiago shakes him off and finishes the round throwing punches. Diego plays to the crowd.

Round 3

Thiago goes for a takedown early on but ends up on the bottom in a scramble. Diego in Thiago's half guard working ground and pound. Paulo going for a kimura. Diego takes Thiago's back. Now trying to get his hooks in. He has one hook in. And he's got the other. Diego looking for the rear naked. Diego switches to a body triangle. Diego lets the choke attempt go to pound away from the back. Still keeping the body triangle locked. Diego again looking for the choke. Diego has mount and body triangle now. Diego has regular full mount now. Thiago rolls, Diego has his back again. Thiago shakes him off but trips in the process. Diego settles in Thiago's half guard on the ground. Thiago clearly has a broken nose. It looks gross. Thiago threatens with a leg lock. No dice. Diego pounding away from his back. Diego is in Paulo's full guard now. He stands up. Paulo upkicks. Diego comes in with a huge punch that lands. Diego taking Paulo's back again. Diego finishes the fight with an insane flurry from the top. Crowd goes insane.

Diego Sanchez def. Paulo Thiago via Unaninimous Decision (30:26, 29:28, 29:28) after 3 Rounds.

Jake Shields vs. Martin Kampmann

Round 1

Jake comes out with a body kick. Jake lands a nice right to the head. Jake clenches against the cage. Jake looking for the takedown, and he gets it. Jake quickly passes to half guard. Even more quickly passes to side control. Martin regains half guard. Jake has full mount now. Jake looking for an arm triangle. They scramble back to their feet. Martin lands some knees to the body. Martin looking for a guillotine. Jake looking for a takedown again. No dice. So far this looks like ever Jake Shields fight i've ever seen. Martin seperates. Jake with a body kick. And a nice jab. Double jab by Jake. Martin jabs Jake. Leg kick by Jake. Jake drives through with a takedown.

Round 2

Martin lands a nice punch early in the second. Jake with a body kick. Jake goes for a takedown. Martin sprawls nicely. Jake clenches against the cage. Martin drops Jake with a knee and slaps on a guillotine. Jake escapes and takes Martin down. Martin puts the guillotine back on from the bottom. Jake passes to side mount. Martin scrambles back up gets a knee in there. Martin gets a Thai clench and throws some more knees. Jake escapes and bullies Martin into the cage. Jake takes him down. Jake's nose is bleeding now. Jake gets full mount. Martin hip escapes. Jake working from inside Martin's half guard. Crowd is not liking what they're seeing. Jake passes to full mount. One minute left. Martin bucks out of the mount and scrambles back to his feet. Martin has double underhooks. Referee restarts them. Martin lands a nice right. Martin should win this round, but with the take downs, you never know.

Round 3

Jake looks tired in the third and final round. Martin looks fresh. Jake's eye is swelling up too. Martin lands a head kick. Jake with some sloppy punch combos. Jake shoots in for a takedown Martin sprawls nicely. Jake is turtled up on the ground. Martin is hammerfisting the side of Jake's head. Martin looking for an anaconda. Martin lets it go and starts working some elbows from the top. Two minutes left in the round. Martin is going for the anaconda again. Jake escapes and settles in Martin's full guard. Jake passes to side control. Martin rolls. Jake takes his back. Martin tries standing up. Jake yanks him back down and gets his hooks in. He now looks for the rear naked. 30 seconds left. Jake has body triangle control. Fight ends there.

Jake Shields def. Martin Kampmann via Split Decision (29:28, 30:27, 29:28) after 3 Rounds




Round 1

Referee Herb Dean calls the night's main event, and this building is absolutely and unbelievably electric. Lesnar circles and bullrushes in. Velasquez handles the rush and trades in the pocket. Lesnar with a leaping knee early. Velasquez hits him, and Lesnar turns a bit, but he moves right back in with a takedown. Velasquez hits the deck, but he doesn't stay there. Mad rush in the opening 40 seconds. Lesnar pushes in for a single. It's not there, but he continues to drive Velasquez against the cage. Velasquez sprawls, but Lesnar eventually slams him down. He pops right back up again. Lesnar's cheek is reddened, and it's Velasquez who gets the takedown. Lesnar on his knees. Velasquez fires punches from both sides. Lesnar pops back to his feet. Backhand slap from Lesnar. Velasquez attacks, and Lesnar stumbles. Velasquez all over him, and Lesnar drops to the mat. Velasquez primed for the finish. Dean watching intently. Still two minutes left. Velasquez throws a few punches, but doesn't gas himself out. He moves into half-mount. Lesnar covering, but there is not much movement. It's the Cariwn fight all over again. Lesnar finally stands, but he is on shaky legs. Velasquez drops him again, and Lesnar is turtled up. He does moves at Dean's request, but Velasquez is unrelenting. Dean has no choice. We have a new champion. BROCK GOT #$*#$&#$& UP!! WOWOW!!!


Winner & NEW UFC HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION CAIN VELASQUEZ!! With that becomes the 1st ever Mexican UFC Champion!!









Once again what a night it was. Thank you so much for joining us. Congrats goes out to Cain Velasquez for becoming the new heavyweight champion and waiting in the wings is #1 contender Junior Dos Santos!!

This has been a special presentation of King Jay Entertainment & this is what the world is watching!!

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