Welcome to the UFC prelim result. The results that you will see is what was shown on FaceBook LIVE!! Here is a special look at what was seen...
Jeff Hougland vs. Donny Walker
Round 1
Round 1
Referee Mario Yamasaki starts the contest. Hougland lands an inside leg kick and follows with a jab. Hougland lands a body kick and then shoots for a double. He completes the takedown and is now standing over Walker and dropping shots to the body and head. Walker is active off his back, preventing the pass and landing several elbows. Stalemate now as both men jockey for position. Hougland lands a pair of elbows and then stacks Walker against the cage. With Walker seated against the cage, Hougland snatches an arm-in guillotine, but he can't finish the fight. The round ends with Hougland on top, but Walker is landing elbows from the guard.
Round 2
The pair trade tentative strikes to start the second, but Hougland is more active, landing multiple leg kicks. Hougland lands a spinning back fist to the side of the head. Walker is really looking for the big shot. Hougland shoots a takedown, but it's stuffed. Hougland lands a nice outside leg kick and then a pair of jabs. Walker is cut over his right eye. Hougland ties a head kick, but it's blocked. Walker continues to press forward, whiffing on a body kick and then a left hook. Hougland lands a looping counter left hook, but it's answered by a leg kick from Walker. Walker rushes in and takes an incidental knee to the groin. Yamasaki calls for time, but restarts them quickly. Hougland continually lands a well-timed jab and then tags Walker with a big shot coming in that hurts him. Hougland tries another guillotine and jumps into guard. Walker seems safe, however. Now Hougland switches to a no-arm variation, and it looks close to being over. The horn sounds, and we'll go to round three.
Round 3
The fighters touch gloves to start. Hougland lands a right cross, but walker answers with a lead-right hook. Walker clinches and presses Hougland against the cage. Both men land knees before Hougland shoots for a double. Walker sprawls, and Hougland pulls guard. Hougland is trying a straight armbar from bottom. Walker stacks him and drops Hougland on the back of his head. Hougland now threatening with a triangle, but Walker squirts an arm through Hougland's legs and escapes. Yamasaki stands them up after a few seconds of inactivity. Walker lands a nice leg kick and then a pair of right hands. Hougland tries a double, but Walker again sprawls. Walker is setting up a D'arce from top control in Hougland's half guard. Hougland sweeps from half and winds up in Walker's guard. Both men are landing shots – Hougland with punches, Walker with elbows off his back. Both men continue to throw as the round expires.
Official scores: 29-28 (twice) and 30-27 for Houghland
Winner by unanimous decision. Judges names are not announced
Winner by unanimous decision. Judges names are not announced
Andre Winner vs. Anthony Njokuani
Round 1
Round 1
Referee Yves Lavigne kicks off this lightweight contest. Njokuani leads with an inside leg kick, but Winner responds with a hard one-two that is blocked. Both men gauge distance with front kicks. Njokuani digs a left hook to the ribs. Winner leads with a left hook, but Njokuani responds with another leg kick before trying a spinning elbow. Winner tries a lead uppercut. Njokuani counters with a knee and a pair of leg kicks and follows with a knee to the ribs from the clinch. Njokuani lands a sweet counter uppercut to the jaw. Winner rushes for ward, then whiffs on a high kick. Njokuani circles to his right and lands another leg kick and then goes upstairs. Winner blocks the head kick and charges forward with a hook that is countered with a body punch. Njokuani counters with another uppercut. Njokuani lands a leg kick and then a teep to the gut. Njokuani lands a jab and then another front kick. Njokuani lands a pair of knees to the face and follows up with a murderous flurry. Punches, knees come from everywhere, but Winner is somehow still alive. Winner is out on his feet. Referee Yves Lavigne is looking hard at this one. Winner somehow survives another burst and is taken down with a trip. He bounces back to his feet as the horn sounds.
Round 2
Incredibly, Winner comes out aggressive to start round two. Njokuani stays on the outside, gauging distance. Winner leads with a left hook. Njokuani responds with a high kick. Both shots are mostly blocked. Deliberate pace through the first minute until Njokuani lands a hard overhand right that knocks Winner into the cage. More knees from Njokuani to Winner's ribs and face. Winner escapes to the center of the cage. Winner secures a body lock and executes a hip toss, but Winner bounces back to his feet again. The men exchange knees in the clinch against the cage until Lavigne restarts them in the center. Both men land punches, then Winner lands a lead left hook. Njokuani lands an outside leg kick, then an inside variation. Another inside leg kick from Njokuani followed by a high kick that is blocked. Winner whiffs with that lead left hook. Njokuani lands a body kick. Winner misses on a right hand lead. Njokuani tries another spinning elbow, but hits nothing but air. Jab from Njokuani, then a flurry of kicks that push Winner out of punching distance.
Round 3
Njokuani lands another inside leg kick to start the third. Winner blocks a high kick and tries one of his own. Winner leads with an uppercut and follows with a body jab. Njokuani lands a nice right hook to the jaw. Winner lands a nice body jab. The Brit tries an uppercut, but it's blocked. Winner just misses on a head kick. Njokuani fires a four-strike combination and then lands a hard leg kick to the lead thigh. Left hook to the ribs from Njokuani and then a lead-leg body kick. Winner is trying to get on the inside, but Njokuani continues to frustrate him on the outside. Another leg kick from Njokuani. And another. Njokuani tries a takedown, but it's stuffed. Winner lands a left hook from the clinch, but Njokuani responds with a combination before circling away from the fence. Njokuani switches briefly to southpaw and seems content to ride out the decision. Scratch that. Njokuani lands a left hook and then a body kick. Winner is still game and looking for a big shot, but it's not there. The horn sounds to end the bout.
Official scores: 30-26 (twice) and 30-27
Winner by unanimous decision, Anthony Njokuani
Winner by unanimous decision, Anthony Njokuani
Brad Tavares vs. Aaron Simpson
Round 1
Round 1
Josh Rosenthal starts the middleweight bout. Tavares lands a body kick as Simpson clinches and hunts for a takedown. Knees to the thigh courtesy of Simpson. Tavares is hanging onto an overhook and defending the takedown successfully thus far. Simpson elevates Tavares briefly, but he can't quite get him up for a slam or trip. More knees from the clinch from Simpson. The crowd boos the clinch work. Tavares defends another trip attempt. Midway through the round, and Simpson is still pounding Tavares against the cage. Rosenthal restarts them due to inactivity. Tavares lands a nice right straight, but Simpson eats it and fires a leg kick before bulling forward to clinch against the cage again. Simpson whirls Tavares around again, but Tavares uses his whizzer to defend, ending up back in the clinch against the cage. Both men trade shots as the round expires.
Round 2
Simpson lands a leg kick, but Tavares counters with a heavy right hand. Tavares pops Simpson coming in and drops him momentarily. Simpson springs back to his feet and manages to secure a body lock that he turns into a waist-cinch. Tavares turns into his foe to prevent full back control and the fighters are back in the over-under clinch once again. Both men jockey for position while Rosenthal asks them to increase their work rate. Tavares is now digging for a double-leg, but Simpson defends well before landing a nice pair of knees from the Thai plum. Tavares tries again, and this time he executes the takedown, elevating Simpson and slamming him hard. Simpson springs back to his feet immediately, however, and pins Simpson against the cage. Now Simpson tries for a guillotine with Tavares seated against the cage. Tavares escapes the choke and works his way out of a front headlock before recovering to the Greco clinch. Tavares defends a takedown as the round expires.
Round 3
Simpson whiffs on a huge right hand before closing the gap and clinching again. They separate. Tavares lands a counter combination as Simpson charges forward. Tavares defends another takedown attempt with a whizzer. Back in the clinch, Simpson continues to work with short punches. Simpson gets a body lock and tries to drag Tavares down, but Tavares' base is still stout. Even so, it's Simpson dictating everything so far this round. Simpson finally gets his takedown, but Tavares stands up. Simpson trips him down, but Tavares again stands. Simpson is relentless, grinding his foe down with this constant pressure. Simpson tries another double, but Tavares again defends well. Rosenthal separates the men. Simpson lands a nice overhand right and transitions into an outside trip to score the takedown. Tavares escapes to his feet and tries another takedown that's stuffed. The fighters are still scrapping as the horn sounds.
Official scores: 30-27s across the board
Winner by unanimous decision Aaron Simpson
Winner by unanimous decision Aaron Simpson
Brian Bowles vs. Takeya Mizugaki
Round 1
Round 1
Mario Yamasaki starts the bantamweight bout. Both men tentative to start. Bowles tosses out a jab, and Mizugaki tries an overhand right before landing an outside leg kick. Bowles circles to his left and fires a jab, but Mizugaki cracks him with a right hand for his efforts. Mizugaki blocks an uppercut and lands another right before finding a home for another leg kick. Another leg kick from the Japanese fighter. Bowles lands a jab and Mizugaki whiffs on another overhand. Bowles still sticking his jab out there, but Mizugaki is still looking to counter. Bowles lands a glancing jab. Bowles still circling left. Mizugaki times him with a right hand and catches Bowles coming in. Bowles lands a right of his own, but there's little power behind it. Both men launch a three punch combo, and the American lands his best punch of the fight so far. Bowles clinches up and now presses Mizugaki against the cage. Bowles now cinches up a body lock and begins to knee the ribs. Yamasaki breaks them with 10 seconds left in the frame.
Round 2
Both men tentative again to start the second before Mizugaki initiates the action with a right cross and then a leg kick. Bowles lands a pair of stiff jabs and then a right hand. Bowles' movement has picked up, and he lands another jab. Bowles lands a one-two, but Mizugaki counters with a jab. Body jab by Bowles. Mizugaki lands a sharp right hand on the counter. Mizugaki lands another right hand before eating a Bowles jab. Hard leg kick from Mizugaki. Nice counter right hand from Bowles. Mizugaki fires back with a right, but Bowles seems unfazed. Bowles catches an outside leg kick and cracks Mizugaki with a right straight. Bowles jumps on his foe and takes his back. Bowles now cinches a body triangle and is searching for a rear-naked choke. Mizugaki defends well, but Bowles is trying to soften him up with punches from the back. Mizugaki wants to turn Bowles, but the triangle keeps him in place. Bowles is trying hard to finish with the rear-naked, but Mizugaki is still calm as the horn sounds.
Round 3
Bowles may have broken his hand once again in round two. Mizugaki tries a left hook to start the frame, but Bowles smothers him and presses his foe against the cage. Mizugaki lands a high knee to Bowles' face from the Greco clinch. Bowles lands short knees to Mizugaki's legs. Mizugaki catches a knee and fires a combination to escape the position. Bowles shoots a double and completes it in a big way. Suddenly, Bowles again has Mizugaki's back, this time from a standing position. Bowles clings to Mizugaki's back like like a monkey as he thinks about a rear-naked choke. Mizugaki is calm with wrist control, but Bowles is still on his back. Mizugaki tries to land short blows to Bowles' face, and the crowd boos the stalemate. Yamasaki separates them with 50 seconds remaining. Mizugaki is pressing forward and lands a combination. Bowles lands a right hand, but it looked uncomfortable. Bowles is on his bike as the round expires.
Official scores: 30-27 (twice) and 29-28
winner by unanimous decision Brian Bowles
$75,000/person Fight Bonus
Submission of the Night: Tito Ortiz
Knockout of the Night: Carlos Condit
Fight of the Night: Dominick Cruz vs. Urijah Faber
winner by unanimous decision Brian Bowles
$75,000/person Fight Bonus
Submission of the Night: Tito Ortiz
Knockout of the Night: Carlos Condit
Fight of the Night: Dominick Cruz vs. Urijah Faber
What a time it was on FaceBook. Coming up next it's UFC 132 Prelims LIVE on Spike TV.
Thanks so much for joining us. This has been a presentation of King Jay Entertainment and this is what the world is watching!!
Thanks so much for joining us. This has been a presentation of King Jay Entertainment and this is what the world is watching!!
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